Natural Remedies for Controlling Gout at Home

If you had not experienced gout or symptoms related to it then you are the luckiest person in the world. Because the symptoms of gout always cause you severe irritation and you even don’t find a moment to relax. People who experience it report that gout is the most excruciating disease. Due to this problem, the joints become painful, even it is not possible for some individuals to bear that pain.

Similarly, some other individuals also experience hot or swollen joints. As you know, the joints are essential for making a movement, whether you are sitting or walking. According to the best rheumatologist in Lahore, it is really difficult for patients with gout to move freely.

Some people have a clear idea about gout but others don’t have detailed information. Arthritis has several types and these types affect the body parts differently. Gout is also a type or form of arthritis and it usually affects joints. The attack of gout is on the feet, ankles, or knees.

Rheumatologists say that gout, most of the time, affects the big toe. When there is a problem that affects the big toe then it becomes possible for people to wear shoes and walk without any trouble. Not only is wearing shoes difficult, but putting on even a thin sock can be aggravating.

As mentioned above, the pain caused by gout is really severe and unbearable for most patients. Therefore, these patients try everything to reduce or get rid of this pain. Sometimes, even effective medications stop showing efficacy for this condition.

If so happens, doctors or rheumatologists can recommend some effective remedies with the medications for gout. The use of remedies with medications shows complete effectiveness against gout and patients experience relief in their symptoms.

Natural Remedies to Control Gout

Inflammatory arthritis, whether it is gout or any other form, can affect the body with severity. Discomfort, pain, or swelling caused by these conditions can make life difficult. Therefore, reducing the severity of gout as soon as possible is a must because when you will bring improvement in your symptoms, then the journey or a healthy life will begin.

But some people may wonder about how natural remedies or tips will show effectiveness against gout. The main cause behind the severity of gout is inflammation and if there is a reduction in swelling, then the other symptoms like the pain will also reduce.

In addition to reducing swelling in the best way, these remedies will also effectively help in managing the levels of purine in the body. If you succeed in reducing swelling and managing purine levels, the chances of gout flares will also reduce.

Drink Water More

One thing is essential that will affect the body if there is gout and that thing is swelling. Reducing swelling and inflammation to manage gout is essential. The best thing a patient with gout can do is to drink water in high amounts. Drinking water will effectively help every patient by reducing swelling and inflammation.

Don’t know about the link between high consumption of water and a reduction in gout symptoms? Well, when a patient with gout symptoms increases consumption of fluid intake, his kidneys start working in a better way. When there is high consumption of water it will make the kidneys produce excessive fluids and reduce inflammation.

People with gout usually ask whether the consumption of other fluids will also be effective or not. Rheumatologists say that it will be best if a gouty patient increases water consumption. However, it is not a rule of thumb always to increase water consumption.

If a patient does not like to consume more water then with the consent of his doctor, he can explore other options such as consuming broths as well as herbal teas. But remember that you will also consume fluids other than water with the consent of your doctor. Additionally, you will also not consume sodas or alcohol because they are high in purine.

Besides experiencing gout, if you are a patient with congestive heart failure or in the past, if you experienced kidney diseases then you need to increase your fluid intake after consulting your healthcare practitioner.

Reduce the Levels of Stress

If you are continuously experiencing stress levels over months or years and now you have symptoms of gout, it is essential for you to reduce stress levels shortly because they can worsen the symptoms in a bad way. The following ways will work for any individual if he is trying to reduce stress levels:

  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Spending time with friends

Use OTC Medications

Using OTC medications during the symptoms of gout can be a good idea because when you use these medications they help in managing the pain caused by gout. They can be the best way to manage pain and inflammation.


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